To inquire about bookings or events, please contact Scott Beal.
Scott Beal’s first full-length collection, Wait ‘Til You Have Real Problems, was published by Dzanc Books in 2014. His chapbook, The Octopus, won the 2015 Gertrude Press Poetry Chapbook Contest and was published in 2016. His poems have appeared in Pleiades, Rattle, Prairie Schooner, Beloit Poetry Journal, Indiana Review, Muzzle, Southern Indiana Review, The Collagist, Sonora Review, and many other journals. He won a 2014 Pushcart Prize for the poem “Things to Think About.” Beal teaches full-time in the Sweetland Center for Writing at the University of Michigan and serves as Dzanc Writer-in-Residence for Ann Arbor Open School. He has led poetry and fiction workshops for the Neutral Zone, the InsideOut Literary ArtsProject, 826michigan, and other organizations. He earned his MFA from the University of Michigan in 1996, where he received several Hopwood Awards. He co-authored Jangle the Threads with Rachel McKibbens and Aracelis Girmay (Red Beard Press, 2010) and Underneath: The Archaeological Approach to Creative Writing with Jeff Kass (Red Beard Press, 2011). His first chapbook, Two Shakespearean Madwomen Vs. the Detroit Red Wings, won the Fall 1998 Chapbook Contest from White Eagle Coffee Store Press. His second full-length manuscript, Stegosaurus Moon, was a 2017 semifinalist for the Lexi Rudnitsky/Editor’s Choice Award from Persea Books. Beal has competed in the Individual World Poetry Slam and has been a featured performer at schools, bookstores, and poetry slams around the country, including the Green Mill in Chicago, the Nuyorican Poet’s Cafe in New York, and the Cantab Lounge in Boston. He curates and co-hosts the Skazat! monthly poetry series in Ann Arbor, Michigan.